Synopsis * Based on the manga by Ootomo Takuji. Ayaka, Maki and Maina make up Platinum Kiss - a popular idol group. They partake in usual idol activities like photoshoots, meet-and-greets and live performances. Just before they are expected on stage for another live performance, the group is feeling very anxious and unwilling to perform. The reason is that they haven't seen their manager, Ayaka's brother, for a while now. What could he be up to?
Idol☆Sister OVA bundled together with the special edition manga of Katekano.
Alternative Titles Synonyms: Katekano: Idol Sister
Japanese: アイドル☆シスター
Information Type: OVA
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Dec 26, 2014
Producers: Union Cho
Genres: Hentai, Harem
Duration: 26 min. per episode
Rating: Rx - Hentai
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